Opening Hours :
Monday to Friday – 8.30 am to 5.00 pm
Closed Public Holidays
Our appointments are booked for approximately 15 – 20 minutes per patient. Please advise our receptionist of all members of the family who are requiring consultation so appropriate time can be allocated. Indicate if you feel extra time will be required, new patients usually need a longer first appointment. We rarely have time to see people without appointments however our nurses may be able to assist.
If you think your health problem is urgent please ask to speak to the nurse or doctor to discuss your appointment arrangement. On some occasions it may be more appropriate to attend the hospital emergency department or call an ambulance. Inform us early if you cannot keep an appointment.
Emergencies will be given priority, staff may reschedule affected appointments. We all endeavour to keep to our appointment schedules but feel free to ring prior to the time and the receptionist will advise if the doctor is running late.
Interpreter services can be obtained if needed, see TIS National
After Hours services.
If you ring our number out of hours you will be directed to our on call doctor. In the case of emergency you are advised to ring “000” and ask for the ambulance or go to South East Regional Hospital. For 24 hour advice from specially trained nurses you can also ring an information service at “Health Direct” 1800 022 222.
Telephone calls and Results enquiries.
Patients should ring for all pathology or Xray results between 10.30 am – 12.00 midday and 2.30pm to 4.00pm. The nurse will relay the advice given by the doctor and arrange any necessary appointments.
In order to reduce interruptions during consultations, all non urgent messages for the doctor will be relayed by the receptionist. The doctor may contact you when practicable. With your permission we may occasionally use email to communicate with you for non clinically sensitive information only.
Privacy and your medical records
Your medical record is a confidential document. Our policy is that we will not release information without your consent. However there are some specific circumstances where we are obliged to report or release information – for example suspected child abuse or with a court subpoena. Click on the link for our Pambula Medical Centre Privacy Policy and information about medical research and audits.
With adequate notice you are able to access your own medical record and may request a copy of your own information – a fee may apply if the record is lengthy. Your doctor can easily provide a health summary from our computerised records. PMC is connected to the Federal Government’s “My Health Record” , we can upload a summary of your medical record, which can then be accessed by yourself, most hospitals or other accredited medical facilities.
Fees and Billing Arrangements 
An account will be issued to you by the receptionist following consultation. The account is to be settled on the day of consultation by cash, cheque, credit card or eftpos. A service charge may be added for accounts not settled on the same day. Holders of current Pension or Health Care Cards will be considered for a reduced fee. This practice does not routinely bulk bill Medicare. Medicare refunds can be deposited directly into your bank account just ask our receptionist for details.
A list of fees and hours is displayed on the front desk or ask our receptionist on making the appointment.
We operate reminder systems to assist with regular check ups, for example Cervical screening tests. If you do not wish to be involved in recalls and registers please inform us.